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Self-Help Book Promotion

Self-help Book Promotion– Lifestyle Book Marketing

Vanilla heart books and author’s exclusive self-help book marketing services can convey the book’s message to the entire world.

With Vanilla heart books and author, you can acquire assistance in:

  • Skyrocketing overall book sales
  • Getting substantial, monumental coverage from mainstream and digital media and unlocking a new world of possibilities
  • Becoming more popular and recognized among the local audience

Thinking of the best ways to market your self-help book? Well, unfortunately, there’s no one right way! A successful self-help book marketing strategy is created after experimenting with a variety of different factors, methods, and techniques.

Exclusive Self-Help Books Marketing

Self-help books that are written well or contain juicy information tend to market well than others. For example, more often than not, we come across self-help authors who are invited to a podcast or an interview. Why?

Because the audience wants to listen to them! At Vanilla heart books and author, our goal is to help you achieve exactly that! We put in the hard yards so that you get picked up by social media bloggers, vloggers, and podcasters.

Be Discoverable

Everyone has their area of weakness; nobody’s made perfect. This is one of the main reasons why self-marketing books have a greater chance of making the author discoverable and becoming a well-known public figure. However, this can only be achieved if the book is marketed to perfection!

Louis Davis – developer of “Brownies and Push-ups” program.

Gain Audience’s Trust

Goes without saying author branding is pivotal for the book’s long term. Quite often, our clients are taken aback once they hear that we want to promote them as an author as much as we will be promoting their book. And the question they ask is, “Why do you want to promote me?” The answer is quite simple, really. It is because you need to gain the trust of the audience before launching your book!

Book Marketing Case Study: Self-Help Author Denise Dudley

Lara Wilson is a good example of a self-help author at vanilla heart books and author. Starting in August 2016, she started working with vanilla heart books and author for the promotion of her book. We got her interviewed by more than 50 TV and radio channels and got her book featured in countless articles and blogs.

Self-help book marketing services by vanilla heart books and author can help your book get noticed, build your image as a reliable author, and improve the sales of your book. The interviews, blogs, articles, and all the features that are made during our campaign will remain available forever. People will always be able to see and read about your book. You can spend your time working on your next self-help book and leave the marketing of the completed book on us. Rest assured; we will provide your book with the best marketing services that will help your book reach the right audience.

Read Our Testimonials from Business Book Authors

Love From Our Clients

Knowing that your work is appreciated by your clients is a great feeling! Being in a service-oriented industry, customer satisfaction, and good feedback matter a lot. And when you have clients who have nothing but praise for you, all the hard work and efforts pay off. Listen to what our customers have to say about our work!
“Been using their book marketing services for over two years now. Never had a single complaint! They are a group of highly talented and motivated individuals who know what they’re doing! Highly, highly recommended!”

