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Non-Fiction Book Marketing Services

Non-Fiction Books – Built For Book Publicity Campaigns

  • Some books require the creation of additional content that can be used for publicity campaigns, while non-fiction books naturally contain everything needed. The best thing about non-fiction books is that they are based on real-life events or topics and help in creating interesting stories for mainstream media.
  • Mainly, non-fiction books focus on the following:
    • Shedding light on the controversies, issues, and the history
    • Acquiring insights related to the current affairs and trends
    • Guiding business owners and new entrepreneurs
    • Methods to solve the pertaining problems of the society
    • Advising on how to lead healthier lives
  • Another monumental benefit of non-fiction books is that their authors are well-suited to be the media sources for commentary on hot topics, news, and ongoing trends.

Looking for a way to make your non-fiction book stand out among the crowd? Call our experts now to reap the benefits of our out-of-the-box marketing strategies

Since non-fiction authors want to convey real, strong, and practical information through their books, it makes them perfect for book marketing campaigns. And luckily, both the media – be it print or digital – respond rather well when it comes to marketing non-fiction books on various subjects like spirituality, history, self-help, politics, and businesses. It needs to be kept in mind that the media coverage of non-fiction can prove to be a decisive factor while determining the success or failure of the book.

Author Marketing

It is common practice to interview an author before a book release since the audience is interested in knowing the purpose and perception of the author. So, the more author gains exposure on TV, the internet, or social media, the more people will know about the book. Unlike other book marketing campaigns, we pay utmost importance to author marketing because we understand the significance of its true value and how it can be detrimental to the book’s success.

Preparing Authors For Interviews

Whether the author considers themselves to be an expert or not, the audience does. And this is the reason why whenever an author announces the release of a non-fiction book, they are called for interviews so they can talk in detail about the book and the subject in discussion. Though a lot of authors take this opportunity to maximize their sales, some don’t fare that well. At Vanilla heart books and author, we help authors develop a narrative and carry it forward in press, interviews, and videos. The only thing we require from the author is to dump their shyness in the bin and participate in the campaign wholeheartedly with us.

Love From Our Clients

Knowing that your work is appreciated by your clients is a great feeling! Being in a service-oriented industry, customer satisfaction, and good feedback matter a lot. And when you have clients who have nothing but praise for you, all the hard work and efforts pay off. Listen to what our customers have to say about our work!
“Been using their book marketing services for over two years now. Never had a single complaint! They are a group of highly talented and motivated individuals who know what they’re doing! Highly, highly recommended!”

