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Our people are passionate about helping authors, experts, and publishers increase the visibility of their work and platform with publicity. We also provide a range of consultation services to prepare you for media attention.

Project fees usually begin at $2299. We accept clients selectively, and we only sign on projects when we have the timeline, media contacts, and team availability to meet your needs. We encourage you to submit your information to help us determine if we are a good fit for one another. For authors: we work in many genres, but not poetry. If your fiction title or memoir has already been published, let’s discuss your next book or how we can help build your author brand.

We look forward to hearing more from you! In the meantime, you’re invited to learn more about vanilla heart books and author in our FAQ, capabilities deck, corporate video, All Things Book Marketing podcast, Power Book Publicity Tips newsletter, Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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Knowing that your work is appreciated by your clients is a great feeling! Being in a service-oriented industry, customer satisfaction, and good feedback matter a lot. And when you have clients who have nothing but praise for you, all the hard work and efforts pay off. Listen to what our customers have to say about our work!
“Been using their book marketing services for over two years now. Never had a single complaint! They are a group of highly talented and motivated individuals who know what they’re doing! Highly, highly recommended!”

