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Nurture Creativity and Self-Esteem Through Children’s Book Writing Services

We help emerging authors, entrepreneurs, and professionals carry children’s imagination and creativity forward.

Our child-friendly content creations with beautiful illustrations can take their thoughts to wonderful places, enabling growth and personality development.


  • Kids-Friendly Content
  • 100% Unique Illustrations & Designs
  • Available In Various Formats
  • And Free Smiles

Enabling Creative Thoughts for Life

People often get stuck channeling their thoughts through words when communicating with children. But you don’t have to. At vanilla heart books and author, we enable you to keep your creativity flowing by thinking like kids.
If you have any questions about how we do it, let’s talk about it in more detail. We can also answer all your queries related to our book writing process or how we can help you write words that children can understand. From writing the book to getting it printed, you will surely have a helping hand in your writing journey.

You Can Create Anything with Writing!

  • Rhyming or non-rhyming content as per your original thoughts
  • Design and graphic illustrations that children will love
  • Professional layout and formatting for inspiring storyboard
  • Unlimited Revisions to make your book picture-perfect
  • Final deliverable supplied in High-resolution PDF, TIFF, EPS, etc.
  • Pre-launch and post-launch support throughout the project cycle
  • Address Children’s vulnerability issues through heart-felt stories
  • Build emotional resilience, confidence, and passion
  • And lastly, complete Vanilla heart books and author when it comes to creativity.

Concerned About Writing Style?

We understand the struggle of finding your voice and writing style; we have been there. But our experience has made us what we are today –the best children’s book writers. Talk to our consultant if you have a story and want us to work on it.

Picture Books for Toddlers

Early Reader Books

School Going Books

Books for Middle-Grades

Love From Our Clients

Knowing that your work is appreciated by your clients is a great feeling! Being in a service-oriented industry, customer satisfaction, and good feedback matter a lot. And when you have clients who have nothing but praise for you, all the hard work and efforts pay off. Listen to what our customers have to say about our work!
“Been using their book marketing services for over two years now. Never had a single complaint! They are a group of highly talented and motivated individuals who know what they’re doing! Highly, highly recommended!”

