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Business Book Marketing Services from vanilla heart books and author

Without an inch of doubt, I can say that Vanilla heart books and author is one of the leading business book marketing services providers. Their efforts, hard work, and sheer brilliance made me what I am today. To my surprise, I even got a chance to appear in TV shows for the promotion of my business books and got featured in highly reputable magazines as well. Honestly, I don’t know where I would be without them – they’re THAT GOOD!

Grace McCarthy

Our Business Book Marketing Process

Read on to understand how we approach business book marketing campaigns:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of your work
  • Conduct multiple 1-on-1 sessions to get familiar with your goals
  • Establish a robust reputation in the industry
  • Present you as an expert in your domain
  • Generate more leads, traffic, and sales

We are one of the pioneers of the business book promotion industry. Our journey of trying and testing a different set of methods and tips has helped us develop a one-of-a-kind business book marketing services provider.

We efficiently create campaigns to distribute both the traditionally published and the self-published business books with our industry-leading successful tactics. We get to the core of your book’s message and polish it into well-placed pitches by making it go through the right writers, editors, producers, and hosts.

It’s Not All About Sales

Yes, you read that right! Promoting business books is not merely generating book sales – it is much more than that!

While it’s true that the central aim of forming a marketing campaign is to guarantee increased sales, we also work on increasing awareness about the contents and the message of the book.

Increase Awareness About The Author On The Internet

From L: TV Personality Cecily Tynan, Senior Publicity Manager Janet Shapiro, and vanilla heart books and author client Sloane Davis

Readers, before they hit the “BUY NOW” button, evaluate their purchase. They spend time learning more about the author, reading their previous works, and checking out their reviews. So, to make sure you’re discoverable on the internet as a person of authority, we help you boost your presence on social sites and search engines. Due to our stellar services, Vanilla heart books and author has now become the publicizing arm for authors all over the globe.

Tailored Business Book Marketing Strategies

At Vanilla heart books and author, we analyze and review a wide range of trends and elements before forming an effective marketing and promotion plan for your business books. Over here, our aim is to make your book as appealing as possible to allure the media to get more coverage.

Making a Powerful Marketing Campaign

Our experts use their blend of expertise and experience to create a powerful business book marketing campaign. We achieve this goal via mainstream media, digital media, and top-trending social media platforms.

Read Our Testimonials from Business Book Authors

Love From Our Clients

Knowing that your work is appreciated by your clients is a great feeling! Being in a service-oriented industry, customer satisfaction, and good feedback matter a lot. And when you have clients who have nothing but praise for you, all the hard work and efforts pay off. Listen to what our customers have to say about our work!
“Been using their book marketing services for over two years now. Never had a single complaint! They are a group of highly talented and motivated individuals who know what they’re doing! Highly, highly recommended!”

