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Best Audiobook Making Company

Share Your Story with Our Digital Storytelling Services!

We turn your manuscript into an audiobook for maximum exposure. Hundreds of debut novels and published authors have reached 1+ million people; you can reach too…

Become a Voice That Reaches Your Audience

If you are considering creating a flawless audiobook with zero interruptions and voice distortions, talk to our agent today.

Be The Author in Limelight

The focus is to equip our authors with the necessary tool that can help them vocalize their thoughts and share their ideas with people who care.

Get Your Voice Heard on Popular Platforms

As time changes, people's behavior changes. The best-selling authors know this by heart, so they act accordingly. They strategize their approach to reach all types of audiences to maximize their sales. One type of audience is the one who is always busy; they do not get time to get down to read a book. Likewise, they are auditory learners and physically different readers who need reading assistance.

In order to reach a target audience, you need to think inclusive. You need to think about a creative approach. How do you do it? Well, you do it through audiobook writing services.

At vanilla heart books and author, our professional audiobook production team lets you enjoy a plethora of benefits at a fraction of the cost.

  • High-Quality Audio Book Production – Using state-of-the-art technology and soundproofing techniques, we create audiobooks with the highest quality.
  • Wide Genre Services – Whether you want to convert your fictional story into audio or want to narrate your biography with captivating effects, we are here. In addition to our eBook audio services, we can also convert your magazine or newspaper into an audiobook as well. There’s no limitation to what we can do for you.
  • Sales Oriented Approach – At vanilla heart books and author, we have one mission, and that is to grow your sales and audience reach. Therefore, you will always find our going out of traditional ways to bring you exceptional results.
  • Affordable and Accessible – Our e-book production services use the human voice to help your audience connect with your story. If for some reason, you cannot afford our premium services, we also offer an automated, computer-generated voice to convert your e-book. Now get your book market-ready at a fairly low cost.
  • Exceptional Experience – User experience is what we give special attention to. Therefore, we ensure that through our audiobook production services, your audience has a great listening experience.
  • Flexibility in Language Choice – With our language flexibility, you can translate your content into various languages. Likewise, you also have complete freedom to select between male and female narrators, moods, styles, and sound effects. Our VFX sound effect artists also guarantee seamless narrations to accurately represent the scene, characters’ actions, and locations –all through sound.

Let’s talk to our experts to get a customized pricing plan.

Love From Our Clients

Knowing that your work is appreciated by your clients is a great feeling! Being in a service-oriented industry, customer satisfaction, and good feedback matter a lot. And when you have clients who have nothing but praise for you, all the hard work and efforts pay off. Listen to what our customers have to say about our work!
“Been using their book marketing services for over two years now. Never had a single complaint! They are a group of highly talented and motivated individuals who know what they’re doing! Highly, highly recommended!”

